Use of case studies to illustrate barrier failure

Approximate Learning Time



In this unit you will apply the knowledge you have acquired in earlier units to a number of case studies, to explain how barriers fail, and to highlight the fact that normally a number of barriers have to fail before a Process Safety accident results.


Activity (Example)

Case Study 1 - Ethylene Oxide Explosion at Sterigenics

In this unit, you will learn how to create a Barrier Failure Model by watching a number of videos about major incidents and trying to identify how the barriers failed. To give you an idea of how this is done, we have completed the first case study for you.

The videos were produced by the Chemical Safety Board, and for each one the ‘Swiss Cheese’ Model can be applied to create the Barrier Failure Model.

  • 5.2

    Use of Case studies to Illustrate Barrier Failure

    Case Study 1 - Ethylene Oxide Explosion at Sterigenics


    Watch the Video

    The following video is the Ethylene Oxide Explosion at Sterigenics International Ontario, California August 19, 2004. As you watch it, try and identify the various barrier failures that take place.

    Remember to refer to the Swiss Cheese Diagram.


    Download the Case Study

    SterigenicsNow you have watched the video, download the Barrier Model for Case Study 1: Ethylene Oxide Explosion at Sterigenics.

    Study the case study and try to identify how the barrier failures take place.

    When you are ready, move on to the next activity.



    Case Study 2 – Explosion at Formosa Plastics (Illinois)

    Now you have seen an example case study illustrating barrier failure, watch the video of the Explosion at Formosa Plastics (Illinois) and try to identify the barrier failures yourself.

    To complete this activity download the worksheet, fill in the blank spaces and then upload it to your portfolio.

  • 5.4

    Use of Case studies to Illustrate Barrier Failure

    Case study 2 - Explosion at Formosa Plastics (Illinois)


    Watch the Video

    The following video is the Explosion at Formosa Plastics(Illinois). As you watch it, try and identify the various barrier failures that take place.

    Remember to refer to the Swiss Cheese Diagram.


    Download the Case Study

    SterigenicsNow you have watched the video, download the Barrier Model for Case study 2 - Explosion at Formosa Plastics (Illinois)

    This time there are some blank text boxes. Fill them in and upload the completed worksheet to your portfolio.



    Case Study 3 – Bayer – fire in the valley 2008

    When you have seen an example case study illustrating barrier failure, watch the video of the Fire in the Valley and try to identify the barrier failures yourself.

    Again, To complete this activity download the worksheet, fill in the blank spaces and then upload it to your portfolio.

  • 5.6

    Use of Case studies to Illustrate Barrier Failure

    Case Study 3 – Bayer – fire in the valley 2008


    Watch the Video

    The following video is Bayer - Fire in the Valley. As you watch it, try and identify the various barrier failures that take place.

    Remember to refer to the Swiss Cheese Diagram.


    Download the Case Study

    SterigenicsWhen you have watched the video, download the Barrier Model worksheet. This time all the text boxes have been left blank for you to fill in. When you completed the task, upload the worksheet to your portfolio.



    The case studies should have given you a good understanding of how barriers fail, and that normally a number of barriers have to fail before a Process Safety accident results.

    Remember to save your worksheets and add them to your Portfolio.


    Well done. You have reached the end of Unit 5.

    Proceed to Unit 6 or return to the Main Menu